Colostrum – The Key To Good Health

For so many years I wondered why cows are sacred in so many religions. Did you know that in India they often have more rights than Humans? This could be because there are so many health benefits in Colostrum ‘the necessity of life’. Colostrum is the ‘first milk’ that is produced in the first 72…

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Colostrum Non Species Specific

It has been discovered that because colostrum is non-species specific, humans may benefit from taking Bovine Colostrum long after birth throughout childhood, adulthood and into their senior years. Colostrum is Nature’s first food, the pre-milk fluid a breast feeding mother provides her newborn. Colostrum assists the baby’s development. Colostrum contains a number of immune components,…

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Growing healthy children

children playing mud protect with alpha lipid lifeline colostrum

Kids, they get into everything! Whether they’re hard at play in the mud outside, helping the dog with his dinner or sharing toys with friends. Kids give little regard to hygiene, resulting in them having and increased exposure to bacteria and viruses. This tactile nature of children is important for their learning and development, but…

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Strenghten your immune system

Happy Asian Family with Colostrum Products

Protect your family this winter. It’s that time of the year again, when exposure to viruses is more prevalent then ever. These viruses are very intelligent organisms, they continually evolve in order to survive. That is why there are so many different strains of a virus we collectively think of as the ‘flu virus’ (influenza)…

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Building a Strong Immunity

Colostrum Immunity Family by Colostrum Australia

Avoiding getting sick in the first place is really the ideal situation … prevention is after all the best cure. It’s that time again where we need to start looking at how we can strengthen our immune system for the up-coming winter ills and chills season. Most of us are all too aware of the…

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